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Family violence stats rise in region

JUST-released family violence statistics for the year 2023/24 in the Southern Grampians region have shown a concerning rise in both number and rate of incidents in just 12 months, the rise beginning from the year 21/22 after dropping from 20/21.

The stats put the Southern Grampians Shire into the sombre position of the rise being one of the biggest in Victoria, with only four shires recording higher rises, out of 79 in the state; some LGAs actually reported drops in the numbers and rates.

The percentage rise in the number of incidents was 27.5 per cent, with the rate of incidents per 100,000 people at 26.8 per cent.

All local government areas in the south west region also recorded rises; Moyne Shire recorded respective statistical rises of 11.4 and 10.3 per cent, Glenelg 14.2 and 14, and West Wimmera 52.4 and 53, the third-highest increase in the state; all above the overall Victorian average rise.

The Crime Statistics Agency reported the significant increase in the number of family violence incidents recorded by police statewide, with figures reaching a new high of 98,816 incidents in 23/24; this was a six per cent increase on the previous year.

The increase was in part driven by increases in incidents involving former partners and new perpetrators not previously recorded for incidents by police.

Increases were also seen in family violence involving child victims, and victims aged 65 or older.

In 21/22, the Southern Grampians Shire incident rate was close to the Victorian average, but just two years later was more than 54 per cent higher.

The type of abuse was majority verbal and emotional (37.8 per cent and 30.1 per cent respectively) with physical abuse at 12.4 per cent.

Most (87.3 per cent) of family violence incidents occurred at residential premises, with females accounting for over two-thirds of victims.

Another concern was an even greater rise in family violence related offences, jumping a staggering 47.7 per cent in rate of offences per 100,000 since 22/23, with the local stat now well over double the state average.

Breach of a family violence order (372) remains the most recorded offence type, more than six times the next highest offence of common assault.

The proportion of criminal offences relating to family violence in the Southern Grampians was 41 per cent; just over a quarter of these matters end up in court.

Statewide, over the past five years, several incident-related risk factors were increasingly reported to police.

The proportion of incidents involving stalking/harassment, sexual assault, threats or harm to a family pet, controlling or jealous behaviour by the perpetrator, or financial difficulties all increased by 30 per cent or more.

The Crime Statistics Agency’s chief statistician, Fiona Dowsley, said, “the increase in these specific risk factors is notable”.

“This increase may suggest that the number of family violence incidents recorded by police involving coercive control in Victoria is rising. In the context of increased public awareness and increased recognition of the range of behaviours that can constitute family violence, however, it may also be the result of increased reporting by those impacted by family violence and increased recording of these risk factors by Victoria Police”.

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