In recent years Hamilton has seen a boom in demand for large homes on lifestyle blocks close into the outskirts of town. There has long been competition between planners wanting to contain developments to specific areas so as to benefit from the best use of available infrastructure, to people asserting their independence and seeking to develop their home and land in a way that will particularly suit them. This aspiration for something bigger, better or more suitable to today’s family lifestyle has led to this demand for small acreages close in to the edge of townships. These developments can sometimes create problems between urban living and the necessities of farming on adjacent land but, generally, it seems most are cohabiting quite amicably although the land uses are at extreme ends of the scale.
One such development is on Kurtze's Road where in recent years a number of new and attractive homes have been built on lifestyle blocks of a few acres. The area is still developing but you can see the genesis of an area similar to previous lifestyle development in the vicinity of Robson's Road, a little further to the north.