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Hamilton Spectator

7155 article(s) from Hamilton Spectator

HAMILTON Kangaroos Football Netball Club has a new life member after Renae Porter was acknowledged for her contribution to the club earlier this month.

Adam Hill - November 16, 2021

POLICE are investigating the circumstances surrounding a fatal crash in Digby on Sunday night.

Admin - November 16, 2021

SPRING seems determined to hang on to elements of winter and keep the door firmly closed on the approaching summer.

Admin - November 15, 2021

THE Grampians Peaks Trail, a unique 160-kilometre natural and cultural hiking experience, has opened to the public, providing a much-needed boost to Western Victoria’s regional economy.

Admin - November 15, 2021

BARRY The Baptist added another country cup to his resume with a strong victory in Saturday’s $50,000 Dunkeld Cup.

Peter Morganti - November 15, 2021

THE HAMILTON Cinema has been operated by the Southern Grampians Shire since 2008 after the previous operator withdrew from the lease agreement, but at a council meeting last week the decision was made to initiate a tender process to sell the cinema to a private operator.

Mark Rabich - November 15, 2021

N recognition of his 50 years involvement in the Glenelg River District Scout group, Hamilton man Peter Lyon was recently awarded the ‘National President’s Award’ by Scouts Victoria.

Macey Sanders - November 14, 2021

AMBULANCE Victoria has doubled the capacity of its triple zero (000) call triage service to free up emergency ambulances, so the sickest patients get the critical care they need faster, as demand from COVID-19 continues to rise.

Admin - November 14, 2021

NOT since the 1950s has Leo Dwyer walked through the Penshurst Racing Club entrance without a job to do on race day, but the former clerk of the course will be a spectator for the November 20 event.

Adam Hill - November 14, 2021

HAMILTON Golf Club held its Annual General Meeting earlier in the week at which two club members were honoured with life memberships.

Admin - November 14, 2021


