HAWKESDALE-MACARTHUR remains alive in the Mininera and District Netball Association A grade premiership race with a five-goal elimination final win against Glenthompson-Dunkeld on Sunday.
THE Glenthompson History Group have asked for locals who may have information regarding multiple time capsules buried at a couple of sites around the town to reach out.
PENSHURST is one win away from the Mininera and District Football League grand final after a comprehensive 64-point win against Lismore-Derrinallum at Caramut Recreation Reserve on Saturday.
A COLAC prime mover driver who contested the Federal seat of Wannon at the last election has called out the Victorian Government for its tardiness on fixing sensors on the Glenelg Highway at an intersection near Dunkeld.
WESTVIC Dairy Board applications are open for those who would like the opportunity to contribute their skills and experience to help create a vibrant, profitable, and valued dairy industry.
LAST Thursday saw the main street of Portland turn yellow for a good cause. The annual Daffodil Day fundraiser for the Cancer Council saw buckets of beautiful blooms for sale at the front of Woolworths.
CAVENDISH district prime lamb producer and Nuffield Scholar, Johnny Gardner, has had a report published detailing the results of a study he conducted into greenhouse gas emissions reduction strategies for prime lamb production.