THE draft Southern Grampians Sustainability Strategy (the Strategy) is out now for community feedback after being released at the Ordinary Southern Grampians Shire Council (SGSC) meeting last Wednesday night.
TROUBLING figures released recently show many illnesses among rural, regional and remote Australians could have been prevented or treated better with accessible primary care, thus avoiding the need for hospitalisation.
STANDING Tall in Hamilton Inc. (STiH) is excited to announce a special community celebration event, and warmly invites the community to an evening of inspiration, connection, and vision.
HAWKESDALE-MACARTHUR has let the Mininera and District Football League double chance slip, falling to Lismore-Derrinallum by 55 points at Hawkesdale Recreation Reserve on Saturday.
THE Hamilton Kangaroos were unable to match the intent of the visiting Koroit, going down by 69 points in Hampden Football Netball League round 16 action at Dunkeld on Saturday.
HER Excellency, Governor of Victoria, professor Margaret Gardner AC paid a visit to the Harrow Bush Nursing Centre (HBNC) and the Harrow Discovery Centre (HDC) on Thursday afternoon along with her aide and entourage, as part of her tour of the West Wimmera Shire.