THE tourists are well and truly back – and spending – if the past week around Portland is anything to go by. Retailers, tourism operators and accommodation providers contacted by the Observer reported by and large excellent trade during Easter, with the spinoffs continuing during the school holidays. It is a continuation from last year’s […]
WHEN you’ve played in the backing band for Frank Sinatra or forged a career as one of Australia’s premier jazz singers, it’s hard to imagine you might be found in little old Portland. But that’s exactly where you will find Bill Harrower and Linda Cable, who were what might be described in modern parlance as […]
ALTHOUGH the whole district dug deep to support the Good Friday Appeal last week, some of the tinier towns in the area more than pulled their weight to raise money for the Royal Children’s Hospital. With a population that is less than one percent of Portland, Condah collected the most money of anywhere in the […]
THE Portland Little Athletics Centre wrapped up season 2022-23 with its recent presentation night. Although weather had an impact on its weekly Thursday competition at Nelson Park, it was a big season for the club with its membership increasing to 117 participants – a rise of 39 athletes on the previous season. The club also […]