FIREDOG Ember has done it again, competing in another stair climb located in the ‘Gold’ city of Queensland. Ember the crisis response dog and Labrador has completed yet another stair climb, this time being the 77 floors of Gold Coasts Q1 building. It was 35-degree weather on March 19 when Ember completed the climb at […]
WHEN more than 100 people gathered at the Portland Golf Club on Saturday night to celebrate the past, little were they to know that the future looks even brighter. But that’s what it’s looking like for Portland Cable Trams, after it broke the monthly record for the number of visitors riding its trams. General manager […]
JUST one more day remains to have a say on the future of Anderson Point’s beach access, with the current steps set to be removed due to unstable footings. The popular steps at the end of Wade Street were closed to the public last August by the Department of Environment, Energy and Climate Action (DEECA, […]
PORTLAND basketball referee Jeremy Morton’s journey has continued on its upward trajectory over the past couple of weeks, with two big announcements – his selection to the NBL1 development panel as well as to referee the upcoming under-18s national championships next week.
MAKE sure to have a pocketful of change on Friday morning, to give to local emergency service volunteers roaming the streets collecting for the Good Friday Appeal. CFA member Stuart Richardson is coordinating the Portland effort again this year, and said volunteers from the CFA, FRV, Coast Guard, and SES be out collecting from 9.30am, […]
PLENTY of stallholders will be occupying Richmond Street on Saturday, with a range of food and goods to eat and buy. The Easter Saturday market, titled Creators, Makers and Growers, will get underway at 9am this Saturday, in Richmond St with some undercover attractions in adjacent McIntyre Arcade which can be entered from Richmond Street. […]