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Mortlake market yields mixed returns

A SIMILAR field of buyers attended the reduced offering of 552 mixed quality cattle at WVLX on Monday, 271 less than the previous sale.

Two irregular restocker buyers from last week were absent and this in part reduced cow prices by 10 cents to 30 cents per kilogram.

Milk vealers were on average 15c/kg less however yearlings sold unchanged to 20c/kg dearer.

The grown steers lifted 10 to 20c/kg.

The few vealers made 520 to 570c/kg with a processor paying to 596c/kg and the yearlings went mainly to restockers from between 450 and 575c/kg with tops at 588 and 600c/kg.

Only a handful of grown steers sold to processors and they paid 435 to 506c/kg while restockers purchased most and paid to 522 with tops at 546c/kg.

Friesian steers were from 326 to 330c/kg.

Processors paid from 320 to 358c/kg for beef cows while restockers paid 325c to 361c/kg.

The leaner cows made 256 to 300c/kg and poor to plain conditioned cows were from 190 to 240c/kg. 

Sale summary:

Bulls 0-700kg: top 300.0c/kg, avg 266.4c/kg, top $1968.00p/hd, avg $1575.07p/hd.

Bulls 700+kg: top 294.0c/kg, avg 246.2c/kg, top $2540.16p/hd, avg $2074.32p/hd.

Light Steers 0-350kg: top 550.0c/kg, avg 472.4c/kg, top $1859.00p/hd, avg $1310.45p/hd.

Light Heifers 0-350kg: top 560.0c/kg, avg 415.1c/kg, top $1904.00p/hd, avg $1079.43p/hd.

Trade Steers 351-500kg: top 600.0c/kg, avg 496.9c/kg, top $2565.00p/hd, avg $2046.43p/hd.

Trade Heifers 351-500kg: top 596.0c/kg, avg 476.8c/kg, top $2446.08p/hd, avg $1942.25p/hd.

Grown Steers 500+kg: top 506.0c/kg, avg 455.7c/kg, top $3294.00p/hd, avg $2951.65p/hd.

Grown Heifers 500+kg: top 525.0c/kg, avg 440.3c/kg, top $2818.20p/hd, avg $2390.00p/hd.

Cows: top 361.0c/kg, avg 298.8c/kg, top $2791.25p/hd, avg $1706.92p/hd.

Bullocks: top 546.0c/kg, avg 444.4c/kg, top $3212.00p/hd, avg $2633.45p/hd.

Upcoming Sales and Events:

Monday, April 18 - NO MARKET (Easter Monday Public Holiday).

Thursday, April 21 - Store Sale starts 10am.

Monday, April 25 - NO MARKET (Anzac Day Public Holiday).

Monday, May 2 - Prime Market starts 9am.

Thursday, May 5 - Spring Drop Weaner Sale starts 10am.

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