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Playing their yards right

PERMANENT sheepyards to test working dogs have been installed for use in this year’s Sheepvention, much to the delight of organisers.

Sheepvention convenor, Graeme Moyle, said the new facility was a great improvement on the previous arrangement that required them to set up every year, and that the design was suited for purpose.

After consultation with livestock equipment provider, ProWay, they came up with a layout that counterintuitively wasn’t too well designed for flow of sheep so therefore would provide challenges for the dogs in a variety of ways.

“It’s a dog competition, so we try and make it tough,” Mr Moyle said.

“You want to make sure the dog’s working to the best of its ability.

“In a farm situation you’ve got to have a dog that’s going to go out into the paddock, round up the sheep by itself, keep them nice and tight, and bring them up into a set of yards.

“Once you get into the yards, you’ve got your drenching race, you’ve got a drafting area, and then we’ve got a loading ramp to load onto a truck; (it’s) covering the whole aspect of why you need a dog.”

Mr Moyle said he was grateful for the generosity of ProWay, as after his involvement of 27 years, finding volunteers before Sheepvention was getting harder.

“We used to have to set up everything by ourselves (but instead we have) a permanent setup, ready to go, all neat and tidy,” he said.

“It’s a great asset.”

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