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Local students get hands-on agriculture experience

LOCAL Year 9 students interested in pursuing a career in agriculture were given the chance to explore the industry at the Careers in Agriculture Taster Day held at the Rural Institute of Skills and Training (RIST) on Monday.

Hosted by RIST and Glenelg and Southern Grampians Local Learning and Employment Network (GSGLLEN), the day provided Year 9 students from Monivae College, Baimbridge College, Good Shepherd College, The Hamilton and Alexander College, Balmoral K12 College and Heywood Secondary College, with first-hand experience in the diverse career opportunities offered within the agriculture sector.

All students were encouraged to “pull their sleeves up” and get hands-on experience, with key areas of agriculture including shearing and wool handling, agri-tech, agronomy and environmental science, and livestock handling, under instruction from local professionals in the various fields.

Students were also able to participate in a machinery expo during the day which exposed them to the many aspects of machinery and technology available in the agriculture sector.

RIST chief executive, Bill Hamill, said the day gave students an insight into the rewarding and diverse agricultural industry, which includes careers they may not have previously considered.

“Agriculture offers an unlimited opportunity for young people to pursue a wide range of exciting and rewarding careers,” he said.

“While it is often assumed that to pursue a career in agriculture, candidates need to come from a farming background … in today’s agriculture this is not true, with 75 per cent of the careers in agriculture being off farm.

“The Careers in Agriculture day hosted by the GSGLLEN and RIST provided students with a small taste of what was on offer if they were to pursue further training and education in agriculture.”

GSGLLEN executive officer, Anne Murphy, said the taster day allowed students to experience a variety of careers and prompted them to think about their future and the pathways they may wish to explore after school. 

“This event is important to showcase the career opportunities in agriculture and the great opportunities available to young people in this industry,” she said.

The Taster Day on Monday complemented the recent Vocational Education and Training Delivered to Secondary Schools Taster Days held at the Hamilton District Skills Centre and South West TAFE last month.

Local students have a broad range of opportunities to engage in vocational education and training while still at school, with the agricultural industry providing multiple training and work options in the region.

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