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Beware of livestock on roads

WITH paddocks drying up and hungry livestock looking across the fence to the growing vegetation along roadsides, the prevalence of sheep and cattle breaking out of their confinement is often higher this time of year.

Wandering livestock on roads are a risk to traffic, having the potential to cause serious injury or death to motorists.

They can also injure themselves, other animals they encounter and cause damage to property.

If you encounter livestock as a potential hazard, there are a number of things you can do.

Nearby homes may be the first opportunity to approach as people may be the owners themselves or know who the owner is.

Failing this, there are several contact numbers people can use to notify of the situation:

- For declared roads (freeways, arterial roads and non-arterial state roads), call Vicroads on 13 11 70 (24 hours)

- For local roads, call the Southern Grampians Shire Council (SGSC) on (03) 5573 0444 (including after hours)

- Victorian Police – call 000

Once notified of an incident a Local Laws officer will respond immediately and assess the situation having regard to the safety of themselves and the public.

It is the stock owner’s responsibility to provide and maintain effective fencing to stop stock straying onto a road and fines may be issued.

For information on which roads are managed by SGSC or VicRoads, follow this link:

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