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Winter cattle market softer and numbers decrease

MORTLAKE agents yarded 825 cattle on Monday, a decrease of 370 on the previous week’s offering. All on offer were showing the effects of the winter season again with a good lead and an extended tail in the trade cattle. The cow offering also provided a good lead for both dairy and beef types with all weights and grades covered along with a number of manufacturing types. Feeder interest was sound with most beef breeds and trade cattle purchased by feeder operators. Most regular buyers were in attendance and some were not operating to full capacity on 260 grown cattle, 360 trade types and 285 cows. 24 grown bulls were also penned.  

With the exception of some well finished grain fed cattle, the market for grown and trade weights along with manufacturing types was softer by some 10c to 15c/kg. Most cows lost 20c to 25c/kg with the middle weights being least effective. Trade steers and heifers sold from 270c to 340c/kg with grown cattle topping at 285c/kg. Manufacturing steers sold from 178c to 245c/kg. The lead beef cows sold from 210c to 242c/kg with the medium weights 160c to 193c/kg. Dairy cows were generally selling between 170c and 240c/kg with grown beef bulls to 235c/kg.   

Sale summary:

Bulls (0-700kg): top 200.0c/kg, avg 175.7c/kg, top $1321.36p/hd, avg $1049.68p/hd.

Bulls (700+kg): top 235.0c/kg, avg 215.5c/kg, top $2530.00p/hd, avg $1839.13p/hd.

Light Heifers (0-350kg): top 268.0c/kg, avg 161.6c/kg, top $891.10p/hd, avg $480.01p/hd.

Light Steers (0-350kg): top 264.0c/kg, avg 216.8c/kg, top $726.00p/hd, avg $607.46p/hd.

Trade Heifers (351-500kg): top 340.0c/kg, avg 214.6c/kg, top $1550.40p/hd, avg $920.84p/hd.

Trade Steers (351-500kg): top 330.0c/kg, avg 248.3c/kg, top $1514.50p/hd, avg $1117.06p/hd.

Grown Heifers (500+kg): top 310.0c/kg, avg 245.7c/kg, top $2059.20p/hd, avg $1399.41p/hd.

Grown Steers (500+kg): top 325.0c/kg, avg 255.6c/kg, top $1774.80p/hd, avg $1448.98p/hd.

Cows: top 242.0c/kg, avg 199.2c/kg, top $1960.20p/hd, avg $1061.38p/hd.

Bullocks: top 285.0c/kg, avg 245.9c/kg, top $1871.50p/hd, avg $1412.93p/hd.

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