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Reduction in numbers but prices stronger

THERE was a significant decrease in sheep numbers this week at Hamilton with a total of 6550 penned, being a reduction of some 26,000 sheep on last week’s market.
Contributing factors would be the recent rains and a shorter processing week.
The quality overall was good with the top end being predominately trade weight lamb with a small number of heavyweights and export types on offer.
A majority of the offering were shorn and did tail off quickly - not all processors were present and
some were not fully engaged.
Activity was more so with restocker and feeder interest in securing lambs back to the paddock with the South East of South Australia, Bendigo and local producers active.
The market in the main was stronger overall to be $5 to $8 per head higher for the best of the shorn
Lambs back to the paddock gained $20 to $25p/hd.
The best of the heavy lambs topped at $244p/hd with most of the lambs to the trade realizing between 680 to 750 cents per kilogram over most categories.
Light 12 to 16 kilogram new season lambs made from $50 to $155p/hd to the trade with 18 to 22kg
from $127 to $180p/hd and 22 to 26kg from $170 to $220p/hd.
Hoggets topped at $132p/hd.
XB Lambs: Est JB Christie, Byaduk, $190; EST JB Christie, Byaduk, $180; Oak Valley,
Warrnambool, $170; SG Rigby, Coleraine,
$160; S & L McIntyre, Karabeal, $160; R & K
Meade, Wallacedale, $158; S Young, Orford,
$144; SG Rigby, Coleraine, $128; Oak Valley,
Warrnambool, $128; S & L McIntyre, Karabeal,
$125; S Young, Orford, $113.
XB Hoggets: Tanner Family Trust, Hawkesdale, $130; G Crow, Orford, $120; G Crow, Orford,
$114; M Moore, Dunkeld, $105; M Moore,
Dunkeld, $92.
Shorn Lambs: S & P Jury, Croxton East, $205; S
& P Jury, Croxton East, $192; C Coulton, Orford,
$185; D & G Gleeson, Strathkellar, $170; A & K
Campbell, Mooralla, $170; C Coulton, Orford,
$169; Elstree, Branxholme, $154.
XB Suckers: Waratah P/Co, Glendenning, $240;
Waratah P/Co, Glendenning, $220; D Derkson,
Branxholme, $160.
2-Tooths: Aberdeen, Caramut, $132; Aberdeen,
Caramut, $110.
Suckers: NJ & DM Williams, Branxholme, $166;
NJ & DM Williams, Branxholme, $128.
Merino Lambs: A Bain P/Co, Cavendish, $48.
Merino Hoggets: A Bain P/Co, Cavendish, $48.
XB Lambs: Yearamba P/S, Drumborg, $186;
D Lewis, Cavendish, $178; C & J McLeod,
Moutajup, $172; Wingara, Moutajup, $166; B
Sinnott, Yambuk, $161; D Lewis, Cavendish,
$158; B Sinnott, Yambuk, $150; Montana Rd,
Cavendish, $150; R Barker, Tarrington, $148;
G Colliver, Heywood, $144; Ballantree P/S,
Glenthompson, $142.
XB Lambs: G & C Dyson, Bessiebelle, $195;
A & B Bourke, Bessiebelle, $192; G & C Dyson,
Bessiebelle, $180; A & B Bourke, Bessiebelle,
$170; O Dyson, Bessiebelle, $164; O Dyson,
Bessiebelle, $148; Murndal P/S, Tahara, $138; O
Dyson, Bessiebelle, $135; Murndal P/S, Tahara,
$126; A & B Bourke, Bessiebelle, $112; Murndal
P/S, Tahara, $104; Chetwynd East, Bessiebelle,
XB Lambs: Back Creek P/S, Dunkeld, $214; CV
& BD Waters, Hamilton, $206; Back Creek P/S,
Dunkeld, $180: Telang Lamb & Beef, Wangolina,
$175; CV & BD Waters, Hamilton, $174; VJ & ME
O’Loughlin, Bushfield, $174; Back Creek P/S,
Dunkeld, $155; Telang Lamb & Beef, Wangolina,
$154; LG McKinnon & Sons, Strathdownie,
$132; VJ & ME O’Loughlin, Bushhfield, $132.
XB Hoggets: M & J Packman, Mooralla, $121;
VJ & ME O’Loughlin, Bushfield, $121.
XB Suckers: H & V Howlett, Chetwynd, $162;
M & M Cox, Coojar, $158; M & M Cox, Coojar,
$150; H & V Howlett, Chetwynd, $140.

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