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Winter affects confidence at mixed market

IN a reduced yarding, Hamilton agents penned 8400 lambs and 2165 sheep at the weekly market on Wednesday.

It was a typical winter offering of mixed quality with all categories showing the effects of the recent cold and wet weather. Not all the regular processors were present nor fully active. Additionally, there was restrictive store competition of lambs suitable for the paddock, quality selection was very evident. The market was erratic as a consequence. The market was very soft for most trade lambs over 20kg by some $10 to $15 per head. Lambs under 20kg lost $5 to $10p/hd. In the sheep market there was an improvement by some $10 to $15p/hd. Top shorn lambs realised $162p/hd with hoggets making a top of $110p/hd.

Light lambs 12 to 16kg sold from $44 to $104p/hd. Trade lambs 18 to 22kg sold from $85 to $133p/hd. Medium lambs to the trade 22 to 26kg sold from $90 to $146p/hd with most trade lambs realising from 470 to 580c/kg cwt. Heavy crossbred ewes topped at $124p/hd with well covered Merino ewes making up to $86p/hd. Shorn Merino wethers topped at $115p/hd with the general run of mutton realizing between 360 and 390c/kg cwt.


XB Lambs: D & H Milich, Heywood, $156; D & G Baty, Hotspur, $148; LG McKinnon & Sons, Strathdownie, $148; T & W Jewell, Milltown, $147; Selkirk East Pastoral, Strathdownie, $144; K Jarrad & A O’Connell, Sandford, $140; T & W Jewell, Milltown, $134; D & H Millich, Heywood, $129; Selkirk East Pastoral, Strathdownie, $118; Mickali, Caramut, $118; A & K Jarrad, Casterton, $116; M & S Jarrad, Casterton, $116; Mickali, Caramut, $110; T & W Jewell, Milltown, $105; C & K Jarrad, Casterton, $104; K Jarrad & A O’Connell, Sandford, $104; M & S Jarrad, Casterton, $104; G & J Baulch, Orford, $103.

XB Ewes:  HL McKenzie, Tarrenlea, $96; D & S Rowbottom, St Helens, $90; Rosetale, P/L, Hensley Park, $88; D & S Rowbottom, St Helens, $88; G & S Storer, Hotspur, $88; Rosetale P/L, Hensley Park, $84; HL McKenzie, Tarrenlea, $82; G & S Storer, Hotspur, $81; Rosetale P/L, Hensley Park, $81; HL McKenzie, Tarrenlea, $81.

XB Hoggetts: B D & S Rowbottom, St Helens, $88.


XB Lambs:  JM & D MacKirdy P/Ship, Hamilton, $133; R Crowe, Codrington, $126; LA & JN Cunneen, Nareen, $126; J & J Glare, Tarrone, $119; TM & PM Pohatu, Cavendish, $114; J & J Glare, Tarrone, $105; JM & D MacKirdy P/Ship, Hamilton, $104; JS & SJ Taylor Business Trust, Framlingham, $103; MA & JM Nicholson, Minhamite, $102.

XB Ewes: Cashmore Park, Cashmore, $113; L Cook, Konongwootong, $113; LA & JN Cunneen, Nareen, $108; A Sealey, Paschendale, $108; J & J Glare, Tarrone, $108; Cashmore Farm, Cashmore, $98; Sunninghill Contractors, Coleraine, $98; WA Price & Co, Broadwater, $98.

Merino Wethers:  Sunninghill Contractors, Coleraine, $79; SD Harris, Dunkeld, $78; Sunninghill Contractors, Coleraine, $70; SD Harris, $68; PD Crawford, Victoria Valley, $58.


XB Lambs: Sunninghill Contractors, Coleraine, $79; TJ Thomson, Gorae, $137; Sunninghill Contractors, Coleraine, $130; RC Murrell, Heywood, $128; RC Murrell, Heywood, $113; TJ Thomson, Gorae, $105; A Bester, Hamilton, $100; G Lewis, Muntham, $99; Murrell F/Trust, Heathmere, $99.

XB Ewes:  Dundas Park Pastoral, Vasey, $95; Doery F/Trust, Woolsthorpe, $86; Doery F/Trust, Woolsthorpe, $85; Dundas Park Pastoral, $77; Doery F/Trust, Woolsthorpe, $70; R & P Foreman, Minjah, $67.

Merino Wethers: Des Barnett, Orford, $115; Dundas Park Pastoral, Vasey, $98; D & S Bartlett, Orford, $96; Dundas Park Pastoral, Vasey, $78; Dundas Park Pastoral, Vasey, $69


Lambs: Grosvenor P/Ship, Condah, $146; M, J & D Page, Tabor, $140; Dalarossie Pastoral, Drumborg, $134; B & A Mirtschin, Warrang, $129; Grosvenor P/Ship, Condah, $129; Bell Pastoral, Woolsthorpe, $126; W & A Steele, Yulecart, $120; M, J & D Page, Tabor, $119; James North, Penshurst, $118.

XB Ewes: James North, Penshurst, $108; AK & LF North, Penshurst, $108; KJ & LA Cameron, Hawkesdale, $100.

Merino Ewes: S & T Rentsch, Penshurst, $86; K & L Cameron, Hawkesdale, $75; S & T Rentsch, Penshurst, $67; Milroy, Byaduk, $55.


XB Lambs: Howard Nominees, Wepar, $137; J & M Coote, Moerlong, $135; LG McKinnon & Sons, Strathdownie, $135; G Hurley, Hamilton, $128; LG McKinnon & Sons, Strathdownie, $125.

XB Ewes:  D & A Galpin Pty Ltd, Penola, $124; Howard Nominees, Wepar, $122; D & A Galpin Pty Ltd, Penola, $118; J & M Coote, Moerlong, $115; Calcannia Props, Macarthur, $98.


XB Lambs: BJ Carracher, Wannon, $162; M & G Crow, Port Fairy, $151; D Derkson, Branxholme, $149; M & G Crow, Port Fairy, $146; A & K Nagorcka, Yatchaw, $138; Brierly P/Ship, Morgiana, $136; A & D Satchell, Condah, $136; BJ Carracher, Wannon, $128; Coolami P/Ship, Melville Forest, $126; D & N Holmberg, Dunrobin, $124.

XB Ewes: N & L McClure, Harrow, $115; A & K Nagorcka, Yatchaw, $102; M & G Crow, Port Fairy, $102; Dungloe P/Ship, Coojar, $98; A & D Satchell, Condah, $94; Dungloe P/Ship, Coojar, $94; A & K Nagorcka, Yatchaw, $90; Fairview, Purnim, $88; Woodlawn Pastoral, Purnim, $88.

XB Rams: N & L McClure, Harrow, $26; Dungloe P/Ship, Coojar, $11.


XB Lambs: LV Walkenhorst, Tabor, $138; Wattle Park, Tabor, $124; L Clapham, Vic Point, $123; L Clapham, Vic Point, $110.

Merino Ewes:  GW & L Schultz, Tarrington, $100, GW & L Schultz, Tarrington, $98.

Merino Wethers:  GW & L Schultz, Tarrington, $100, GW & L Schultz, Tarrington, $95.

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