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PORTLAND Arts Centre celebrated its 50th anniversary on Saturday night with a whole lot of glitz, glam, feathers, exotic costumes and singing. Exactly 120 people bought tickets to Shower Songs, a show jam-packed with glamour, burlesque and singalong hits. But it wasn’t only sparkling dresses and tastefully placed tassels, because Portland members of CEMA (Council […]

Charlie Sawyer-Bassett - July 27, 2024

CONGRATULATIONS are in order for several locals, including two individuals and one family following the recent 2023/24 Victorian Landcare Awards held at Marvel Stadium.

Lizzie Hallam - July 26, 2024

WITH Schools Tree Day yesterday and National Tree Day tomorrow, many local groups have benefited from the free native trees being donated by the Southern Grampians Shire Council (SGSC) this week, with a chance to grab a free seedling at HIRL today.

Macey Sanders - July 26, 2024

THE Portland Foreshore Community Pavilion project tender has been halted. That is the big news from the Tuesday night’s Glenelg Shire meeting, as councillors debated the fate of the troubled project. Councillors had before them, five possible recommendations for the project: 1. Council endorses the halting of the Portland Foreshore Community Pavilion project tender for […]

Portland Observer - July 26, 2024

FOLLOWING reports from locals who said they had observed that the blades at the Macarthur Wind Farm had not been turning for some months, enquiries were recently made to the wind farm operator AGL.

Lizzie Hallam - July 25, 2024

THE long-awaited Port Fairy skatepark and play space has received a major funding boost with the State Government providing an extra $1 million for the project.

Admin - July 25, 2024

PREVIOUSLY visiting Hamilton last weekend and providing approximately 510 free skin checks, the Lions Skin Check and Awareness Unit also visited Coleraine on Monday providing the locals with 63 free skin checks.

Admin - July 25, 2024

ON Monday, Glenelg and Southern Grampians Local Learning and Employment Network (GSGLLEN) and Rural Industries Skills Training (RIST) hosted the Careers in Agriculture Day for interested Year 9 students in the region.

Admin - July 24, 2024

HAMILTON’s Dramus/Hadden Theatre Group proudly presents its latest shows, ‘A Trio of One-Act Plays’ next weekend and the following with three locals having a tilt at leading the plays as first-time directors.

Lizzie Hallam - July 24, 2024

TO celebrate National Tree Day in 2024, local Councils have embraced current projects underway to help improve the streetscape and environment of the Western District.

Admin - July 24, 2024
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