IN a notable departure from its previous focus on the urban rental squeeze, MCG (M Consulting Group) Quantity Surveyors unveiled its latest findings, spotlighting the emergence of regional areas as havens for city dwellers in search of rental relief.
MAJOR regional housing indicators have highlighted a need for increased housing in regional communities, as the demand increased significantly in the sector.
AGRICULTURE Victoria (AV) has called for all Victorians to help protect the local food growing communities, biodiversity, gardens, lakes and places of cultural significance by helping to stop the sale of two of the world’s most invasive aquatic weeds.
AGRICULTURE Victoria (AV) has reminded livestock owners to revisit their livestock feed situation, protected under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1986 that penalises an insufficient and improper feed to livestock.
AFTER receiving a Community Recognition Award on Australia Day from the Southern Grampians Shire Council, the Hamilton branch of the Anglican Church Mothers’ Union is pleased to announce the annual Anglican Book Fair is on again.