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5219 article(s) from General

THE ‘Safe Seats, Safe Kids’ program has been successful in Hamilton over the past three years but a lack of funding from the State Government could jeopardise its future.

Blair Burns - December 18, 2023

JULIA Street Creative Space exhibitions have a habit of revealing Portland’s hidden artists. For its new show, simply titled Summer Exhibition, the space doesn’t disappoint.

Louise Belfield - December 17, 2023

FARMERS interested in adding industrial hemp to their crop rotations are invited to attend a local field day at the end of January.

Admin - December 17, 2023

RECENTLY, Balmoral resident Kathryn Mutch dropped in at The Spectator to deliver a message in relation to her situation and how the way the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) facilitates suitable accommodation can be improved.

Mark Rabich - December 17, 2023

HAMILTON Uniting Church is calling for people to donate non-perishable goods for those who need them the most, with locals able to donate up until Friday, December 22.

Bailey Walsh - December 17, 2023

THERE’S a new kid on the Port of Portland block and she’s the darling of all who know her. She’s simply known as Evie.

Louise Belfield - December 16, 2023

A HAMILTON man that was in custody for 25 days has been released but fined for multiple charges including assault and making threats.

Admin - December 16, 2023

JUST in the nick of time, the two clocks on the Hamilton Post Office clocktower are now beautifully synchronised.

Admin - December 16, 2023

DRIVERS on the Glenelg Highway near Warrayure would have noticed an abandoned car on the side of the road that’s been there for at least the past week.

Admin - December 15, 2023

COMMUNITY members of Heywood came together on Thursday last week to share a free Christmas lunch.

Portland Observer - December 15, 2023


