SOUTHERN Grampians Year 8 students and community members gathered on Wednesday to celebrate our young people’s achievements and our local community’s work to strengthen mental health through the delivery of Live4Life.
TEN cars rolled back into Portland on Monday afternoon, after a weekend of good memories driving all over the state to celebrate their efforts to raise $11,250 for Portland District Health’s South Ward.
THE co-accused involved in one of several skirmishes that broke out on Christmas Eve outside The Caledonian Hotel last year led to a shearing contractor being charged with affray and assault but no conviction.
A CLOUD is still hanging over the future of the Glenthompson Outdoor Swimming Pool following a recent Southern Grampians Shire Council (SGSC) meeting with local residents.
IN breaking news, Hamilton Gallery will host a rare and spectacular exhibition: Emerging From Darkness: Faith, Emotion and The Body in the Baroque, featuring world renowned masterpieces from early December.
A 19-YEAR-OLD Hamilton man faced the Hamilton Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday on charges of affray and unlawful assault after two brawls broke out at the Western Speedway racetrack earlier this year.
SOUTHERN Grampians Shire Council chief executive, Tony Doyle, has expressed his disappointment on behalf of the community, after vandals damaged the newly installed fairy lights in Gray Street.