THERE were no surprises in the election result on Saturday night for the seat of Lowan with The Nationals’ candidate and incumbent Emma Kealy securing a third term in the Victorian Parliament.
HOONING, speeding and erratic driving behaviour will be the target of a mini blitz by Hamilton Police on traffic offences in the streets around the outdoor swimming pool in Hamilton.
PROPERTY inspections by Southern Grampians Shire Council (SGSC) officers are set to commence across the Shire over coming weeks, to assess whether works are needed to reduce fuel and fire risks before the 2022/23 fire season.
MOST locals will likely have spotted at least one of the many vintage vehicles roaming the roads of the south-west in recent years, but did you catch the 90-year-old hot rod which paid a visit to Casterton recently?
IN JUST 15 years, three sisters and their mum have banded together and with the community’s support, raised more than $33,000 in the fight against the disease that devastated their family.
THERE was a homegrown spread of food at Heywood District and Secondary College last Tuesday, with the aim to capture locals’ attention with a green idea.