PORT FAIRY was visited by its second cruise ship on Friday, with around 120 passengers from the ‘Coral Adventurer’ going ashore between 9am and 12pm to see the sights and explore the local township.
HOONING, speeding and erratic driving behaviour will be the target of a mini blitz by Hamilton Police on traffic offences in the streets around the outdoor swimming pool in Hamilton.
THE excitement was contagious at Branxholme-Wallacedale Community School last Friday when they held a jampacked Family Fun Day in celebration of the launch of their school canteen.
PORTLAND Secondary College students and sisters Milly and Daisy Bayona have returned from Tasmania after participating in the legacy junior public speaking national finals.
JESSICA Dowdy, solicitor and director at Hamilton law firm, Melville, Orton and Lewis Solicitors, has claimed the prestigious honour of being presented the President’s Award for Outstanding Service by the Law Institute of Victoria (LIV).
EVEN by the standards of recent Glenelg Shire Council meetings, Tuesday night’s one was something else – accusations, interjections, apologies and even a threatened walk-out.
FROM Chicago in the USA, the much-anticipated Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) machine has arrived in Melbourne, due to be installed and operational at the Hamilton Base Hospital by early 2023.
ONE minute it would be hailing, the next sunny and the rain would be back the next one after that – but after the various ups and downs of weather Casterton has experienced this past week, locals can look forward to calmer weeks ahead.