FOLLOWING the devastating war in Ukraine, a group of locals have banded together to organise a fundraising concert titled, ‘Stand with Ukraine’, to raise money for those directly affected.
SACRIFICE and service for war-time Australia and a proud, resilient little community will be the themes of the day, when Bahgallah commemorates its servicemen and women and marks its hall centenary, on Remembrance Day.
THE extensive history of The Hamilton and Alexandra College (THAAC) will be explored at Hamilton History Centre on Tuesday by guest speaker, Neil MacLean.
PORTLAND Primary School has been recognised for its engagement with the local Gunditjmara culture and people as a finalist in the Education Department’s outstanding Koorie education award.
IN keeping with the celebrations of the racing season, the Dunkeld Museum committee has invited the public to attend its next meeting on Monday, to hear about the racing career of legendary Dunkeld racehorse, ‘Tauto’.
DERRYN Hinch’s Justice Party, leader and Western Victoria MP, Stuart Grimley, said regional Victoria had been left behind for too long and urged both major parties to commit to building the Murray Basin Rail Project (MBRP) in full.