FARMERS and others have stepped up their battle with Glenelg Shire Council, as the draft budget proposing substantial rates rises is less than one month from being approved. Tuesday night’s monthly council meeting saw things get heated as Lake Mundi farmer Kevin Stark and Cape Bridgewater resident Michael Byrne sought answers on the draft 2022-23 […]
NATIONAL Reconciliation Week begins Friday, running through to next Friday, and there are a handful of events planned for Glenelg Shire. One has already run, singer/songwriter Kutcha Edwards at the Portland Arts Centre last Saturday, but the week – which this year has the theme ‘Be Brave, Make Change’ – begins in earnest with two […]
IT’S probably fitting the two lead roles in the CEMA Theatre Group’s latest production have gone to Shae Spry and James Czencz. For Play On! is exactly what the pair are doing, returning to the stage for the first time since their secondary school days. Given the production itself is making a comeback of sorts […]