SOME of Glenelg Shire’s youngest residents have been putting on their bravest faces as the coronavirus vaccination program is rolled out to their age group – and at Active Health Portland they’re getting plenty of help to make sure the experience is as pleasant as possible. As the rollout began on Monday for vaccinations for […]
THE couta boat is one of the most important contributors to Portland’s fishing history, and one of its finest examples has been getting a much-needed refurbishment recently. Owner Stewart Fechner, helped by his mates Roy Jennings and Neil Butler, has been doing a fair bit of work on 87-year-old Rosebud, not just a relic of […]
A NEW purchasing contract by the State Government would mean all state-owned organisations such as schools, hospitals and water boards would have to close accounts with local banks and transfer their money into one of three big banks – the Commonwealth, Westpac or NAB.
THE worst hailstorm to hit Portland that many can remember might have been short and sharp, but its effects are going to last many weeks. As the city continues to clean up after Thursday evening’s storm, those involved in the immediate aftermath can reflect on an extraordinary effort to ensure as many of those affected […]