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5219 article(s) from General

INTERNET access in Hamilton was raised in Federal Parliament last week as an example of sub-standard connection speeds available in regional areas.

Mark Rabich - November 30, 2021

THE Macarthur Swimming Pool Committee has announced an exciting revamp to the pool’s existing mural, as well as plans for a new mural and the purchase of an outdoor screen and projector.

Eliza Sears - November 29, 2021

A CHANCE meeting at a house party more than 60 years ago has led to a lifetime of happiness for one Portland couple. Just like something you would see on the silver screen, Kenneth Smith walked into a party on Otway Street, spotted Katherine across the room and knew she was the one. “We knew […]

Portland Observer - November 29, 2021

THERE were two new COVID-19 cases recorded locally on Sunday, November 28, which brings the total number of cases to 36 from the country music event at the Hamilton Golf Club on Sunday November 14.

Macey Sanders - November 29, 2021

THE State Government is considering applying a vaccination mandate to children aged five-11 years old, which would see those who are unvaccinated banned from hospitality venues, retail, and major events.

Admin - November 28, 2021

THE Food Organics and Garden Organics (FOGO) kerbside waste collection service for the Southern Grampians Shire residents will return to the regular fortnightly collection from December 1.

Admin - November 28, 2021

THESE two sheoak trees have enjoyed some of Portland’s best views for a very long time – all the while providing vital habitat for wildlife and birds as well as doing their small bit for soil stabilisation on the cliffs – but they appear to have been deliberately poisoned. North Portland resident Jeanne Kelly said […]

Chalpat Sonti - November 28, 2021

BUDDING Portland artists Kaylene Baker is celebrating success, with her original painting selling for almost $1000 through an online auction last month. Two Cockatoos, by Ms Barker, was painted during an art therapy class she attended in Hamilton prior to Covid lockdowns. Home @ Scope house supervisor Alison Duffy said the class had been greatly […]

Portland Observer - November 28, 2021

AUCTIONS are back on at the Macarthur Butter Factory this weekend after COVID-19 restrictions halted operations for six months.

Eliza Sears - November 27, 2021

WITH the current COVID-19 outbreak in the community and on the advice of health professionals, Hamilton Institute of Rural Learning (HIRL) has decided to postpone its ‘HIRL Unlocks’ return market which was planned for today.

Blair Burns - November 27, 2021


