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5219 article(s) from General

HEYWOOD came together at 11am Thursday, November 11 to remember its servicemen and women with a Remembrance Day service at the town’s cenotaph. Hosted by Heywood Returned and Services League (RSL) president Alicia Rentsch, the event started with a siren sound off by the Country Fire Authority before a minute’s silence. Ms Rentsch then gave […]

Portland Observer - November 15, 2021

IF there’s one thing David Goebel likes as much as art, it’s music – and now the Portlander is bringing his two passions together in the most creative way possible. David, a resident at Blair House, is looking for donations of old guitars, which he intends to decorate and eventually display in an interactive exhibit. […]

Chalpat Sonti - November 15, 2021

N recognition of his 50 years involvement in the Glenelg River District Scout group, Hamilton man Peter Lyon was recently awarded the ‘National President’s Award’ by Scouts Victoria.

Macey Sanders - November 14, 2021

AMBULANCE Victoria has doubled the capacity of its triple zero (000) call triage service to free up emergency ambulances, so the sickest patients get the critical care they need faster, as demand from COVID-19 continues to rise.

Admin - November 14, 2021

MORE than 100 people turned out to commemorate Remembrance Day in Portland yesterday.

Chalpat Sonti - November 14, 2021

RESIDENTS across the city flocked to the Portland RSL Bowling Club carpark last Sunday for the inaugural monthly Must Street Market. The market, which was brought in to replace the old Men’s Shed Market, had approximately 24 vendors on the day, 10 more than the usual at the previous site. Organiser Jude Fasoli said she […]

Portland Observer - November 14, 2021

THE Moyne Shire mayor fiasco has taken a twist as it recently emerged that Councillor Jim Doukas intentionally left the meeting after his preferred mayoral candidate - Councillor James Purcell - withdrew his nomination of acceptance which caused a three-vote tie, leaving the shire without a new mayor.

Blair Burns - November 13, 2021

THE controversial issue of the vacant block at 14a Moodie Avenue next to Hamilton Golf Club came to a head at Wednesday evening’s Southern Grampians Shire Council meeting with council deciding to sell the land in a six-to-one vote.

Mark Rabich - November 13, 2021

PORTLAND residents looking for a good book deal need look no further than the Community Garden this weekend as the organisation hosts a book sale at the site. The second-hand books, which are on sale for a maximum of $2, have been donated by the community over more than year. “We originally put the call […]

Portland Observer - November 13, 2021

THE local community came together on Thursday for Remembrance Day to reflect on the service and sacrifice of all Australians who have suffered and died in times of war.

Blair Burns - November 12, 2021


