AS regional communities continue to seek relief from State Government COVID-19 responses largely geared towards outbreaks in high population areas, the possibility of rapid testing becoming widely available is on the horizon.
DOGS, skateboards and scooters could be banned from Port Fairy’s streets during the busy summer period under a proposal put forward by the Moyne Shire Council this week.
DESPITE numbers being down as the annual Sheepvention ram sale was forced into an online format for the second year in a row, average prices saw a rise on last year.
REGIONAL Victorian house prices had the fastest rate of annual growth since 2003 with the median house price reaching almost $500,000, according to a recent property market report.
HAMILTON’S Sue Brumby will take part in the Great Victorian Bike Ride for the first time this year, riding through the majestic Grampians and award-winning western Victorian art silos as part of the 532-kilometre route.
LOWAN MP, Emma Kealy has called on the State Government to make rapid COVID-19 testing a priority to ensure regional Victorians did not continue to be plunged into statewide lockdowns.
FATALITIES on Australian farms have dropped by almost half in 2021 but serious farm-related injuries were still a concern, according to a new report from Farmsafe Australia.