THE Victorian Government has been forced to approve an emergency increase to the debt caps of four Victorian water corporations – including Wannon Water - following project cost blowouts and revenue shortfalls.
WESTERN Victorian residents will no longer face aggressive or persistent sales tactics from energy companies after a successful campaign for a ban on telemarketing and doorknocking.
LOCATED on Peck Street is one of Hamilton’s proud social enterprises, Nigretta of Hamilton (are-able) - who have shifted focus to a wider range of employment opportunities for people living with a disability.
GLENELG and Southern Grampians Local Learning and Employment Network (GSGLLEN) together with South West TAFE launched the 2024 Young Leaders Program on Wednesday.
HAMILTON-based Jasmine Mansbridge has been an artist for the last twenty years, travelling interstate and around the world with her paintings and sculptures for exhibitions and residencies.
A HAMILTON man who has already served three years pre-sentence for the brutal bashing of another Hamilton man in 2021, has been sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment with a non-parole period of six years and 10 months.