WITH the elections for Southern Grampians Shire councillors underway, and considerable local interest and concern about the proposed wind farm intended for the Dundas Tableland redgum country, we asked the 11 candidates their opinions on the matter.
EARLIER this year farmers were able to apply for round 1 of the On Farm Connectivity Program (OFCP), which provided over $13 million in grants to eligible primary producers.
THE Woolsthorpe-Heywood Road is at its all-time worst according to Bessiebelle’s Kevin Bourke who is urging people, “Whatever you do, don’t go on the Woolsthorpe-Heywood Road.”
RETAINING and developing employees are the topics that keep cropping up when WestVic Dairy Extension Advisor, Matt Wood talks with the region’s farmers about their workforce challenges.
SCHOLARSHIPS valued at $1650 are now available for rural and health professionals to complete the National Centre for Farmer Health specialist Agricultural Health and Medicine unit in 2025.
WOOL growers across Australia can now vote in WoolPoll24 and have their say about the future of Australia’s wool industry – voting opened last week and closes Friday, November 1.