RECENTLY, Australian Wool Innovation (AWI) hosted an information evening at the Hamilton Exhibition building for those in the wool industry to identify future wool trends. Marius Cumming of AWI explained that the wool grower is a long way away from the designer and the catwalk, and there is a lot of processing that goes on […]
IN what will be a godsend to sheep farmers, a flystrike vaccine is on the way and likely to be a game changer. Australian Wool Innovations (AWI) have invested an extra $650,000 in funding for the collaboration with the CSIRO to fast-track the development of a flystrike vaccine. “Growers have been asking for a flystrike […]
FARMING has never been a better place to be than right now, mid pandemic. Whilst our lives can continue on with some inconveniences, we still have an income and a few hundred acres more to isolate on than the average Aussie. Farmers don’t farm for the recognition, appreciation, and praise. In fact, we often cop […]
THERE has been a lot of talk around the yards about bringing more wool manufacturing back to Australia and being less reliant on Chinese imports. The catalyst for these conversations has mostly been the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has highlighted our reliance on this particular market – but it’s not that simple. Can […]
CARLIE Barry has long been on the lookout for sustainable opportunities in agriculture. Carlie and husband Owen have been dairy farming in their own right for over 10 years; first as share farmers, then as farm owners, and finally as lessees. Currently they lease an organic farm near Camperdown, where they milk their jersey. In […]
COULD Maya Linnell have imagined that she would be on top of the best sellers list and be a prize-winning author? For a small-town country girl, she has travelled an amazing road to be both of those things.Maya lives the life that she writes about, thus her books ooze a warmth and authenticity that others […]
THE Andrews Government has yielded to mounting pressure to rethink the crown land camping arrangements due to start in September. Backlash came from many directions, with farmers, other land holders, traditional owners, and environmental groups banding together to rally against the thoughtlessness of the changes. While each group had different worries, the common concern was […]