PORTLAND Bowling Club is having a great start to the bowling season with some impressive results so far in pennant competition.
The club also recently held their Monthly Invitation Fours on Wednesday with players from Portland, Memorial, Grangeburn, Dartmoor, Heywood, Hamilton and Penshurst Clubs attended the day. Weather was great. The winners of the event were Jim Scott, Greg Hoggan, Lindsay Gruar and Diane Gruar. Runners-up on the day were Alan Donovan, Peter King, Shirley Millard and Kerry Alexander.
• Social Bowls is on Wednesday at 1pm. Names in by 12.30pm.
Weekday Pennant
Division one
Portland 81 defeated Casterton 36 at Portland
Shirley Rogers 13 lost to K Murrell 17
Kerrie Alexander 37 defeated N Scharm 10
Heather Burgess 31 defeated T Sealey 36
Division two – bye
Division three
Portland 54 defeated Portland RSL 33 at RSL Portland
Myra Bourke 30 defeated Pauline Breen 15
Margaret Milich 24 defeated Trish Watt 18
Weekend Pennant
Division one
Portland 57 lost to Heywood 67 at Portland
J Rappard 20 lost to J Angelino 21
B Bowden 15 lost to M Swan 27
P Cottier 22 defeated R Angelino 19
Division two
Portland Gold 74 defeated Macarthur 45
Portland Blue 68 defeated Hamilton Green 63