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Grangeburn Bowling Club report

WE have wonderful volunteers at our club including Ruben Ross who has painted the bar area after our renovations.

A garden working bee was also held on Monday to maintain our beautiful grounds and once again our volunteers were out in full force.

It was great to see the green full on Saturday with divisions two, three and four all playing at home.

Division four had a good win and Peter Moore's team of Kaye Murrell, Gary Harris and Neil Sandford scored eight shots on one end.

Well done division four; Saturday pennant resumes on January 20.


Div 1 Grangeburn 54 lt Casterton 70 - L McCabe 18 lt N Shannon 27; R Ross 16 lt A Alderton 19; B Partington 20 lt G Russell 24.

Div 2 Grangeburn 26 lt Hamllton Green 48 - J Colcott 7 lt G Woods 26; N Ryan 19 lt R Thornton 22.

Div 3 Grangeburn 25 lt Memorial 59 - W Kosch 18 lt P Fasoli 27; R Spencer 7 lt K Husson 32.

Div 4 Grangeburn 71 d Macarthur 20 - P Moore 46 d L Marchant 3; R Roberts 25 d C Dunn 17.

Saturday night was also the club’s Christmas Party with lots of fun, including some true and false games and mystery spinning prizes.

Many thanks to everybody who supplied the salads and delicious desserts and Lesley, Nettie and Irene for the cold meats.

A huge thanks to Stew and Kerri Campbell for organising the raffles and competitions.

The major Xmas raffle was also drawn with the following winners: 1st Kerryn Wilson; 2nd Stew Campbell; 3rd Greg Slater; 4th George McClean; and 5th Phil Kosch.

We have a number of members playing in the Far Western Women’s Fours on January 8, and in the Women’s Triples on January 29.

Leah McCabe and Julie Pollock are also playing in the West Coast Region Team at the State Region Sides Championships on January 13 and 14. 

They will be playing at Victoria Bowls Club in East Ballarat and the men’s Region team plays at Sebastopol Bowls Club. 

We wish all our members and bowlers from the region a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Safe New Year.

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