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THE countdown is on with only three weeks to go until the hosting of the Victorian State Sandgreen Championships, and the course is seeing a frenzy of activity, with both male and female members painting boundary posts, hazard markers, raking up debris from the wind and mowing the fairways.

The weather is proving challenging now with the fierce winds bringing down branches and blowing debris across the fairways.

For anyone driving past, it is well worth a look in to note all the improvements.


The sun shone and then came a heavy shower and a drop in the temperature; however, nothing daunts the Parklanders.

The stroke event was for the monthly medal and the final round of the Men’s championships with counting the putts.

The monthly medal was won by Barry Oldaker 89-18-71 on a countback from Allan Hitchcock who won the voucher.

Mark Miller came in next with a nett 72 on another countback from Alex Walter.

Walter was nearest the pin on the fifth hole, Hitchcock on the third hole, Oldaker on the thirteenth hole and Graeme Torney was closest on the second hole.

Longest putt on the first and eighteenth holes went to Miller, with Torney closest on 16 and James Brown on the seventeenth.

To round out the day Birdies and Ferrets went to Miller, and Oldaker was the elite putter with 23 putts for the round.


Played over four stroke rounds James Brown was the Club Champion with a scratch score of 307, runner up was Mark Miller with 347 while the Handicap Champion was Barry Oldaker with a nett 213 from Allan Hitchcock on 219.

Congratulations to all the winners.


A small field competed in a nine-hole stroke event with Barry Oldaker winning with a nett 27 ½ from Bruce Taylor on 31.

The novelties were divided between Stewart Turner and Taylor, with Taylor winning nearest the pin on the second hole, Turner on the thirteenth hole, and taking out Birdies and Ferrets.


The wind dropped slightly, and the winter sun shone making it a relatively good day for golf as a stableford game was played over fourteen holes.

Bruce Taylor took home the win today with 26 points ahead of Bernie Cook and Peter Irvin on 25 points.

The nearest the pins went to Barry Oldaker on the second hole, Taylor on the eighth, Stewart Turner on the thirteenth hole and Irvin on the fifteenth hole.

Longest putt on the first hole was earned by Alex Walter.

Birdies and Ferrets went to Marie Cook.


On arriving at the clubhouse, the outlook looked bleak for the Ladies, however a quick check of the radar promised better things to come, so after a short break they were able to play a stableford event.

The day belonged to Captain Gaye Goggin who won the event with 30 points and took off many of the novelties.

The runner up was Toby Salter with 29 points.

Nearest the pins went to Goggin on the fifth and fifteenth holes, with Irene Box claiming the eighth hole.

Longest putt prizes went to Marie Cook on the seventeenth hole, Heather Hay on the 1eighteenth hole, whilst Goggin went on to claim the first hole, Birdies and Ferrets and the longest, straightest drive.


Saturday will be a Par event with visitors’ welcome, 12.00pm for a 12.30pm hit off.

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