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Bunker shots

WITH the continued wet weather, the Hamilton Golf Club has not had any competition golf for a week.

It is hoped players can get back on the course today for a stableford event, but there will be no carts allowed.

Players are asked to keep updated on our OneGolf site.

Our Melbourne Cup Day event has also been cancelled, due to the course conditions.

Upcoming events

THE club’s AGM will be held on November 8 at 7pm at the club.

Western District Health Service is holding its annual fundraiser on November 18 and there are still some places available in the field.

Anyone requiring further information should contact the community liaison team at Western District Health Service.

Our annual tournament will run from November 23-27 and further details are available by contacting the club.

Hopefully we will be back to our regular golf soon, hit them long and straight and enjoy the 19th hole.

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