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Scraps from the scrapes

AFTER the action on course through August and September, members are gearing up for summer, which historically has seen a more relaxed approach to competitive golf.

With Bowls, Tennis and Cricket seasons underway, or trying to get underway.

The Ladies Annual General Meeting was held on October 25, with Sue Morse elected president, Heather Macgugan secretary, Mary Fenech captain and Glen Dixon vice-captain.

The club’s full AGM will be held at 5pm tonight at the club, when the office bearers and general committee will be elected for the coming year.


THE ladies have been particularly active on course through October.

Amid atrocious weather, 53 hardy souls headed out on October 14 to play for the prestigious Mary Simpson Teams Event.

It was won for the first time by a team from Port Fairy, made up of Glenda Clarke, Mandy Bawden, Flavia Gobbo and Michelle Blain.

Perhaps the experience of playing Port Fairy on a windy day helped this team take the prize.

Mandy Bawden also won the Judith Howard Cup.

One of the hardy souls welcomed back that day was a past champion in Moira Drew.

Many thanks to those volunteer members who helped prepare the course that day and catered for the event.

The Captain’s Trophy for the ladies was held on October 18 with Chris Kirkup returning with 35 stableford points to win ahead of runner-up, Jenny Bade, who finished with 33.


THE Men’s Ross Four Ball Trophy has made it to the semi-final stage.

Father and son team, Andrew and Bailey Borgmeyer, will play the winners of the Sheahan/Smith v Crawfords match in the much-anticipated final.

The time-honoured Warbro Trophy (courtesy of Sue and Derek Morse) is the prize awaiting the hardened player who turns up through the heat and flies of the summer to produce the three best stableford scores.

Upcoming events

THERE is a Melbourne Cup Day stableford event for all members and guests with a 9am start, followed by lunch and then the race that stops the nation.

Everyone is encouraged to bring a plate to share.

Given the number of members who show extensive and oft spouted knowledge on all things equine, tips will be flowing freely no doubt.

For those who are finding their usual course waterlogged, perhaps consider a visit to Grampians Golf Club in Dunkeld.

The course maintains its condition well through these bouts of wet weather.

You might just spot a rare native orchid and other spring wildflowers found on the course.

The club acknowledges the ongoing and welcomed support of the Southern Grampians Shire Council through a generous grant from the Greater Grants Program in the Tourism and Events category.

It will be used to further promote this unique asset to locals and visitors, through enhanced digital and print media.

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