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THE change to the district landscape is noticeable, as winter grasses and deciduous trees succumb to autumn’s brush. 

This is a time favoured by the experienced golfer, as the course softens, and benign autumnal weather often delivers gorgeous golfing conditions; the muddy slog of winter is yet to arrive. 

The cracking drive settles on a verdant fairway, the lofted approach shot bites into the softer scrape surrounds and rolls gently onto the scrape where a subsequent long putt holds its line on the moister sandy surface. 

A birdie three.

The experienced golfer also knows that ideal conditions are one thing, taking advantage of them is quite another.


THE main event of the week was an 18-hole stableford, attracting a large field keen to test their form before the onset of the club championships next week. 

The swashbuckling style of Steve Nattrass dominated proceedings with his wonderful 40 stableford points, taking the win by the proverbial street.

A distant runner-up was Bruce Taylor on 34, while Barry Oldaker and Kelly Hitchcock were both a shot further back, with Mitch Miller on 32.

Nearest the pins went to Taylor on the second and fifth, Dale Grambau on the third, Oldaker on the 11th and Stewart Turner on the 13th. 

Longest putters were Gaye Goggin on the first, Marie Cook on the 16th, Peter Irvin on the 17th and Terry Rhook on the 18th.

George Donaldson landed the longest straight drive on the ninth, with Goggin winning the birdies and ferrets.


THE third week of our modified fast five events resulted in a contest between the regulars, as Oldaker held off Irvin in a modified countback. 

Heather Wilkinson took out longest putt honours on the first and ninth, and longest putters on the 11th and 12th were Turner and Sue Irvin respectively.


PLAYED over the outward nine and holes 10, 13, 14 and 18 of the inward nine, this 13-hole stableford event turned into a contest of the executive.  

The catchphrase “follow the money” was applicable, as treasurer, Peter, held off captain, Oldaker, on countback. 

Both players returned 26 points, while secretary, Taylor, was next best with 24. 

Nearest the pins went to Alex Walter on the fifth and 13th. 

Oldaker was nearest on the second, while Peter sank the longest putt and Alan Flavell won the birdies and ferrets.


A BEAUTIFUL autumn day greeted participants for Monday’s 18-hole stableford event.

Wilkinson was a narrow winner with 30 stableford points, holding out Goggin and Heather Hay who finished on 29 and 28 respectively.

Nearest the pins went to Miller on the eighth, Goggin on the 13th and Sue on the 15th. 

Longest putters were Goggin on the first, Jenny Row on the 17th and Gina Kelly on the 18th. 

Sue hit the longest straight drive on the ninth and Wilkinson won the birdies and ferrets.

Next week

THERE will be events on today, Friday, Saturday, and Tuesday.

The main event on Saturday will be the May Monthly Medal and round one of the men’s championship. 

Friday marks the final round of the modified fast five events designed for new and aspiring golfers.

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