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Parklander candour

THIS past week saw the arrival of significant and much-needed rainfall over a thirsty south-west Victoria. 

A corresponding drought in competitive golf occurred at Parklands, as even the most hardened regulars opted for warmer and drier conditions afforded by the family home. 

Despite the valiant effort of a Friday foursome, developing rain again intervened to put an early end to the one competitive event that started last week.

The rain of course was more than welcome at Parklands, where the fairways have now taken on their characteristic mid-winter heaviness. 

The dampness beneath waits for the warmth of spring, when a surge of growth will see the mowing equipment extracted from hibernation. 

In the meantime, those who have long enjoyed the run of drier fairways will be disappointed while there will be others satisfied that now the “real golf” can begin.

Having no results to report, one needs to cast an eye ahead with a couple of important events on the horizon.

The annual four-person ambrose will take place on July 28. 

Teams of any combination are invited to participate with non-handicapped players also welcome to participate. 

There will be prizes awarded in both scratch and handicapped divisions. 

Novelty prizes will be awarded for nearest the pins on all par threes, and for the longest straight drive on the par 4 ninth. 

Entries can be telephoned or texted in.

The Victorian Veterans’ Golf Association’s Annual Sandgreen Championships will be held at Parklands on August 12 and 13. 

This event is being supported by a Community Partnership Grant from the Southern Grampians Shire Council.

Monday will see the running of a 4BBB stableford over 18 holes and tee-off is at 11am. 

Tuesday is the Single Stableford Championship over 18 holes and tee-off is at 9am.

Entry for each day is $35 per person.

Prizes will be awarded in three divisions, depending on entry numbers, with the single stableford champion coming from any division.

Lunch will be provided each day and a breakfast on day two from 7.45am. 

A tournament dinner will be held at Thomson’s Tavern at 7pm on the Monday evening.

Further information and entry details are available from tournament director, Peter Irvin.

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