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Radley recognised for 57 years

PETER Radley has been an enormous contributor for decades to not only the Western Speedway and the Hamilton Speedway Drivers Club, but also the Hamilton community.

Radley was awarded with a life membership at the club’s annual awards presentation night on Sunday recognising a contribution to the club which has spanned over an amazing 57-year period.

Club president, Travis McIntosh said it was great to see one of the most valued members of the club recognised for his hard work.

“Peter is by far one of the most amazing people we have in our community and will help everywhere he can,” he told The Spectator.

“He has a wealth of knowledge and has some fantastic insights into the speedway here in Hamilton.

“Hamilton is very lucky to have such a gem of a human.”

You couldn’t find a more deserving award winner if you tried, as Radley’s 57 years of involvement with the club being across a broad range of areas.

The most notable of these being his iconic crane truck which has a mainstay at the Western Speedway for decades.

With Radley deciding to finish up his involvement with the club this year, his tireless work is something that McIntosh said the entire club would be “forever grateful” for.

“Peter has supplied his iconic blue tow truck for a long time, I remember it when I started going to the speedway over 30 years ago,” he said.

“But he has also helped us out wherever we have needed in other areas too.”

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