PORTLAND and the dahlia go together like hand and glove, and it is almost time for the city to again show off the glorious tubers.
The Portland Dahlia Society will host the annual Portland Dahlia and Rose Show on March 12 and 13, Australia’s largest show of its kind.
This year the venue has had to be changed – the Portland Civic Hall is out of action due to being used as a coronavirus vaccination centre so the 53rd edition of the Show is moving to the former Mighty Cheap building at 24 Henty St (near the Percy St intersection).
Society secretary Ian Hamley said normally crowds of between 200 and 300 come each day, with those displaying flowers coming from as far afield as Melbourne, Canberra and South Australia – they will see between 600 and 800 dahlias as well as 100-200 roses, pot plants and cut flowers.
“There’s a guy in Tasmania who also comes over sometimes,” Mr Hamley said.
“It’s actually the biggest dahlia show in Australia.”
The Society has also been lucky, being able to hold the Show each year, dodging the lockdowns during the coronavirus pandemic.
Anyone attending though will need to be double vaccinated and abide by the current restrictions.
The Show will just be held on the bottom floor of the building.
Along with the usual novice, intermediate and open classes, there will also be home gardener, children’s and aged care residents’ sections – the rose, pot plant and flower sections have their own championships as well and entry is free in all categories, witch cash prizes.
“Schools get involved (with decorated fruit and vegetables and rocks) and in the aged care section they do a decorated boot or show of flowers,” Mr Hamley said.
Major sponsors include Treloar Roses, Seasol and Neutrog.
Anyone interested in entering the Show should visit portlanddahliasocietyinc.com.au where the schedule is available.
Mr Hamley said the Society was always looking for new members and anyone interested in joining should talk to officials at the Show.
“It costs $5 a year and we’ll supply you with a tuber and fertiliser to get you started and help you out with getting started,” he said.
The Society’s website had plenty of useful information on growing dahlias, much provided by legendary local grower Alf Hardingham.
Mr Hardingham, Stephen Brown and Society president Bruce Millard will be the locals among an expected field of six showing in the open section.
Doors open 11am Saturday and 9.30am Sunday.