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Moyne business community get boost

MOYNE Shire Council will be supporting the development of a shire-wide chamber of commerce to support the business community.

At last week’s council meeting, councillors agreed to sign a memorandum of understanding with Belfast Community Enterprises Ltd, operator of Community Bank Port Fairy & District, and provide $25,000 from Council’s economic development initiatives budget.

Belfast Community Enterprises Ltd also provide $25,000 to fund operations of Commerce Moyne including a part-time executive position.

Moyne mayor, Cr Ian Smith said a shire-wide chamber of commerce would help increase employment and economic development.

“This is a really exciting initiative which will have positive impacts on our communities right across the shire,” Cr Smith said.

“Chambers of commerce bring businesses together to build skills and knowledge and help create a stronger network of businesses.

“Council is pleased to support the formation of Commerce Moyne and is excited to see the organisation come to life.”

Cr Smith said in April, small business commissioner, Lynda McAlary-Smith visited Moyne and spoke about the importance of chambers of commerce in ensuring a strong business community.

“The idea of Commerce Moyne was raised with her at that meeting and she was incredibly supportive and encouraged us to continue towards getting it established,” Cr Smith said.

“The commissioner said in her experience, councils and small businesses work well when a business-led chamber of commerce is present.

“So, we have taken that on board and made this commitment. We want to work with our business community, we want it to be successful because if business is successful, everyone benefits.”

In moving the motion, deputy mayor, Cr Daniel Meade said the idea was “a great addition to Moyne Shire for businesses” and he was “happy to support it at an arm’s length basis” so that its success could be ensured.

“It’s great to see that the community have got together and got this going (in) their own right,” he said.

Councillor Karen Foster seconded the motion and said, “Sometimes the best thing Council can do is get out of the way”.

“I think it’s important that we facilitate Commerce Moyne and then step aside and, and let business get on with business, so to speak,” she said.

Council’s economic development team will work closely with Commerce Moyne over the coming 12 months to help establish and sustain the new entity and to ensure strong representation from across the shire.

Working closely with the team, Commerce Moyne will employ a part-time executive officer.

Belfast Community Enterprises Ltd company secretary, Ashley King was thrilled to see the development.

“The Board identified the opportunity to support commerce throughout the shire by being the innovator and catalyst for change and facilitate the development of a chamber of commerce model,” he said.

At its recent AGM, the Port Fairy Business Association passed a motion to continue as Commerce Moyne, broadening its scope to include the entire shire.

The initiative will develop strategic overviews and possible pathways for future growth with an initial focus on assisting businesses recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Having a single organisation representing the broad economic base and thousands of businesses in the shire will allow the Moyne Shire Council to provide better support, understanding the challenges they face and create stronger advocacy of issues at Local, State or Federal Government level.

For local businesses, the benefits are endless.

Commerce Moyne will aim to bring together business owners through networking events and workshops, provide relevant industry information, build awareness of current trends and opportunities, increase business visibility, gain direct connection to local government, and much more.

“Whilst banking is our business, community is our focus,” Mr King said.

Councillors unanimously approved the memorandum of understanding with Belfast Community Enterprises Ltd last week, putting the project wheels in motion.

Expressions of interest remain open to those wanting to join the project team to develop the pilot model.

An initial workshop has been conducted with interested parties and the next step will include opening applications for the part-time executive officer role.

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