THE ‘Red Doggers’ as they have affectionately dubbed themselves, ‘popped up’ again on Thursday to enjoy the sunshine and showcase their art works as part of a weekly exhibition art tour around town.
For nine weeks from 12-1pm each Thursday, local Red Dog Gallery artists, Kieran Roberts and Trevor Flinn will appear at various sites around Hamilton with their mini ‘pop up’ art gallery and giftshop.
Trevor said he and Kieran had great success at their first pop up event at their exhibition out the front of Findex in Gray Street, Hamilton.
“Our hour or so on Gray Street was a raging success,” Trevor said.
“Though pouring with rain in Hamilton [sic]...Kieran sold two dog portraits to a lady with only one dog ... a painted t-shirt to a local businessman and a small painting to the artistic director of the Hamilton Gallery.”
Last Thursday, Trevor and Kieran ‘Red Dogged’ it out the front of Taylor’s Tyrepower in Brown Street to the delight of customers getting new tyres and coffee punters from The Hive.
Trevor said that he and Kieran chose Taylor’s Tyrepower as the venue last week as it related to one of the artworks, the mosaicked planter pot (with plant) that was created using two redundant 4wd tyres from out the back of Taylor’s Tyrepower.
“We thought it made sense to highlight the connection and show the possibilities re repurposing tyres...and it turned out that the owners, Ron and Maree Taylor, were more than happy to accommodate us,” Trevor said.
“They even let us leave the pot in situ for the next month or so, in the lead up to our Dunkeld exhibition.
“So perhaps passers-by will stop and marvel and maybe even make an enquiry re potential purchase...but even if they don’t I think it looks rather wonderful against the red wall.”
The weather was glorious for their exhibition on Thursday with Trevor declaring it was “indeed a perfect day”.
“I’m happy to report we both had sales,” he said.
“I sold a piece I call ‘Eyes without a face’, made from local (unfired) clay and Kieran made and sold two portraits.
“We also both sold postcards ... visitors (were) taking advantage of our three for $5 deal.”
Trevor has an illustrious personal career as an artist over many years, including exhibiting works at Tasmania’s famous MONA gallery.
“Some years ago, I won free tickets and accommodation to MONA FOMA winter festival thanks to an image I made of my sister and I sitting down to a meal of a life-sized bread man,” he said.
“The picture was shot with a timer at night-time, and I lit up a bonfire in the background.
“All quite dark and spooky - but with a sense of humour.
“The curator at MONA did the it seemed significant to me at the time...but at the end of the day their objective was to draw in a lively audience for a new event in I was one of the chosen few.”
Kieran is on the autism spectrum and said art gives her a chance to express herself in a non-verbal way.
The pair’s nine-week exhibition venture is bookended by World Mental Health Day and the International Day of People with Disability to bring awareness to these important issues and encourage others to explore art as a tool for self-care and mental health.
Trevor works with Kieran in her home studio two mornings a week through NDIS.
Next Thursday the ‘Red Doggers’ are appearing outside the Hamilton Railway Station between 12-1pm.
Trevor encouraged everyone to come along and “meet the lovely station master Gary (Nield)”.
“Perhaps secure yourself a portrait... see how you go,” he said.
“Gary the station master has been a big supporter of Kieran’s work having allowed her to exhibit paintings and sculptures in the station waiting room for some years now,” Trevor said.
“Kieran and I will be Red Dogging it every Thursday at noon until our grand finalé in Dunkeld on December 3rd.”