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Patriots’ salute

WITH a global pandemic then wet season seeing three services cancelled, the Southern family was delighted and honoured to see the return of a very special commemorative service to their Dunrobin property, at the weekend.

With four tours of duty under his belt and a passion for two-wheeled travel, Warrant Officer Class Two Wayne Andrew Southern is a proud member of national organisation, Patriots Australia.

A recognised Military Motorcycle Club (MMC) for the Permanent, Reservist and former Serving Members of the Australian Defence Force and accepted Allied Defence Forces, Patriots Australia was established in 1993 in Cairns on board HMAS Gladstone. 

Predominately for the benefit of serving personnel with an interest in motorcycling and socialising with like-minded individuals, the group developed into the formation and establishment of Patriots Australia MMC across the country. 

This enabled members to join and maintain their membership of the Club, throughout their Military Service, including deployments and postings, and into their retirement from the ADF. 

In addition to his passion for motorcycles, WOFF Class 2 Southern is extremely proud of his family’s service history and with the support of wife, Lerida, brother Warren, sister Julieanne and their families, created a tribute to that service at the family property, appropriately named ‘Digger’s Rest’.

The weekend saw the second gathering of Patriots at the property, to hold their own special service in honour of Australia’s service men and women and to unveil two plaques at the Digger’s Rest memorial, in memory of their father and grandfather – both late servicemen.

WOFF Class 2 Southern said the camaraderie within the Patriots Australia MMC and the opportunity to honour his family with the Digger’s Rest Memorial, was priceless and equally as important to him, as the medals he wore with pride, for his service.

“Although the awards and accolades are to be worn with pride and they are, none of this would have been possible without the support of my wife and children,” he said.

“For 28 years we packed up house (13 times), approximately every two of three years taking the children away from their school friends and re-located interstate without fuss nor complaint; for this I am truly grateful.

“Her support remains to this day even after all my injuries and surgeries and time spent fighting demons in the Mental Health Facility, fights for recognition from Department of Veterans Affairs, so again, thank you.”

He said similar sentiments were held by Patriots members.

“This ethos has served the club well and we are now in our 27th year; Patriots Australia MMC, have chapters and representation in all States and Territories, so there is always camaraderie with fellow bike riders, available wherever they travel.”

The theme of this year’s Digger’s Rest service, was tribute to the medical staff – a personal subject for WOFF Class 2 Southern – with stories told of war-time nurse, Vivian Bullwinkel and medic, Colonel Sir Ernest Edward ‘Weary’ Dunlop.

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