THE 2023 Seniors Festival for the month of October will include an event sure to bring much to think and talk about with guest speaker, Tony Wright, having been a journalist since 1970.
Now associate editor and special writer for The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald, Mr Wright’s start in his career began at the Portland Observer as a cadet, after being raised on farms on the coast and going to school locally at Monivae College.
Since then he has worked at numerous newspapers and magazines in both regional and metropolitan Australia.
He has reported throughout the world, including from conflict zones and was a political correspondent and foreign affairs correspondent based in the Canberra Press Gallery for more than 25 years.
He has also written much about the Western District and the Indigenous history of the area.
Wright has won numerous awards, including a Walkley, a Quill and several United Nations Media Peace Prizes.
He is the author of Turn Right at Istanbul and Bad Ground - Inside the Beaconsfield Mine Disaster, and has written two successful plays.
The event will be held at the Baptist Church Hall, 48-50 Gray Street, Hamilton, on Tuesday, October 10 from 10am-12pm.
The cost is $10 and for more information email