AGRICULTURE Victoria’s free ‘Get into AgSTEM’ education program has been underway with schools across the state participating.
Agriculture Victoria community education manager, Anna-Leisa Vietz, said the suite of practical and hands-on free workshops has been popular with schools because it links directly to the Victorian school curriculum.
“Our Get into AgSTEM workshops are suitable for students from Grade 5 through to VCE and our delivery model is very flexible,” Ms Vietz said.
“We can deliver them from AgriBio, our main research centre in Bundoora (Melbourne), or any of our regional SmartFarms with some select workshops available online.”
Students visiting the research centres gain firsthand experience in a professional research facility where science and technology are applied to agricultural scenarios.
“Our workshops can also be incorporated into events such as the Local Learning and Employment Network (LLEN) events, STEM Idols in Mildura, or the upcoming Food and Fibre Day in Dookie,” Ms Vietz said.
“The feedback is always excellent as students enjoy using hi-tech tools and discovering how our scientists conduct research.
“At our Horsham SmartFarm recently, we ran “Get into Digital Agriculture” for Murtoa College’s Year 11 Agriculture Science class and a “Get into Genes – PCR” workshop for Horsham College’s Year 12 Biology class.”
Get into Digital Agriculture will explore how remote sensing technology can be used to collect, upload and analyse farm related data.
Students assemble soil moisture sensors and use python programming language to access and analyse data.
Get into Genes – PCR is a Year 12 level workshop where students learn how on-farm efficiency is improved using DNA related techniques and applications.
Students practise pipetting for DNA replication and interpretation of DNA profiles.
For more information on the Get into AgSTEM programs, visit or email