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Shire pools: sink or swim?

WITH the closure of the Glenthompson War Memorial Swimming Pool voted on by Southern Grampians Shire Council (SGSC), last month, community concerns have been rising about the Shire’s five other outdoor pools.

SGSC advised the community that now that summer was over, contractors have been engaged to investigate leak issues at Balmoral, Coleraine, Dunkeld and Penshurst Swimming Pools.

SGSC said in a statement, “These investigations will assist in forming a program of both immediate and long-term maintenance works for these pools”.

However, one concerned community member and rate payer, Paul Battista of Hamilton said Council had not made it clear that they had no plans to shut the other pools including the Hamilton Olympic Swimming Pool.

As a former Councillor, he claimed “it has always been on the radar”.

“It has had some expenditure on this year, that was great - but these pools should be heritage listed,” he said.

“They were built by the community for the community.

“Council maintain and run them on behalf of the community, they should have a heritage overlay on them so they can’t close them or turn them into something else.”

Mr Battista said he believed Council had made some bad decisions financially that had forced them to look for savings in other assets.

“Council have budgets that have blown out well over expenditure,” he said.

“Cox Street has taken so long to do - it’s definitely blown the budget.

“Then Council have purchased the old Mitre10 building and it’s just sitting there - they’ve made some bad fiscal decisions.”

Mr Battista also said it was terrible the way Council treated the Glenthompson community over the decision to close the pool.

“To say it’s because of low numbers - that’s just an excuse,” he said.

“I don’t like the way the Council have treated the Glenthompson community at all - that’s definitely not the way to treat the community.”

Glenthompson Pool Committee chair, Leigh Heard said he remained disappointed about the lack of consultation and said that other towns rightly should be concerned.

“Cr Henry is on record for saying Penshurst was next,” he said.

Mr Heard also said the Glenthompson pool was in great condition.

“It doesn’t make sense to close it - there’s no leakages in the Glenthompson pool - it’s in the best condition of any of the pools.

“The Glenthompson pool has an estimated 30-year life on the pool shell - but the shire keep talking about its end of life.

“Again, the whole thing was built by community - we still own the assets - they’ve got to consult with what they’re going to do next - they’re (pool assets) not just gifted to the shire.

“The council got the pool for nothing and now they want to vandalise it – it’s very short sighted.”

SGSC were contacted for comment and said The Hamilton Olympic Swimming Pool was investigated at the end of the season and a program of works is being planned for the upcoming months.

These include repair of noted leaks including expansion joints, soiled water channel, and repainting of the pool shell.

A tender for these works will go to Council in August to award.

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