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Farmers get active for mental health

ACTIVE Farmers is a not-for-profit organisation whose vision is to build stronger and more resilient farming communities.

Active Farmers classes were created to bring the entire community together through regular group fitness classes that are designed to mimic the ‘team sport effect’.

Founder and chief executive, Ginny Stevens, grew up on a farm in Tasmania and has always been passionate about agriculture, community, and staying active.

Active Farmers was formed in response to the prevalence of mental illness in farming communities and provides a proactive and grass roots approach towards health.

The prevalence of people experiencing mental illness is similar across the nation at around 20 percent.

Despite this however, statistics provided by the National Rural Health Alliance (NRHA) show rates of self-harm and suicide increase with remoteness, suggesting that there are very significant mental health issues to be addressed in rural and remote areas.

In November 2021, the NRHA presented a study that found between 2009 and 2018, the average suicide rate for farmers was almost 60 per cent higher than non-farmers, with 370 farmer suicides reported.

This equates to one farmer taking their own life every 10 days in Australia.

Active Farmers aims to change these statistics and is designed to address some of the mental health issues that remoteness creates, by bringing communities together and applying a holistic approach to health.

Active Farmers nourishes the minds and bodies of farmers by creating an environment that champions the interconnectedness of local community members, promotes social cohesion with a shared activity, and establishes a like-minded support network to its participants.

In many respects, mental health is like physical health. Any illness, given appropriate and timely intervention and treatment, can be successfully managed.

The strong leadership from Active Farmers who provide such a valuable resource for members of our rural communities is paramount in managing mental health in farming communities like ours.

It is exciting therefore that Active Farmers is bringing their program to Dunkeld and Woodhouse in October!

The Dunkeld classes will be held at the Dunkeld Rec Reserve starting October 4, with personal trainer, Ally Gordon, leading the fun.

The Woodhouse classes being on Thursday, October 6, at the Woodhouse Hall.

All levels of fitness and experience are welcome.

Visit or to book a spot.

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