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Publisher Letter - Our nation wet behind the ears

NOW with much of Eastern Australia swimming in water it amazes that the clowns advising government that rainfall would never fill dams again - and proffering other climate predictions that constantly fall over - always keep their jobs.

Most of us have now lived long enough to realise that so-called “experts” now frequently feed us propaganda rather than scientific facts – sadly helped by a popular media that prefers scaremongering over balance and considered data.    

The two years of damaging Covid advice is a classic.  

In many respects those of us of my age lived through Australia’s best years.

It was when most experts were independent thinkers – not on the woke juggernaut following the fashion of the day to keep or advance their careers.

It’s easy now to laugh at the scaremongers who said that rains would forever fail and that we must quickly shut down our base sources of energy production to save the planet - without understanding the ongoing harm these people keep causing.

Taking their fantasies on board we’ve stopped building dams or fully using the gas, coal and uranium this country has in abundance. This to the envy of much of Europe now struggling to keep warm.        

And still we refuse to see that all this misinformation is blindly leading us down the garden path - even putting the ability of this country to help feed the planet at risk.

A ban on new dams? We take more and more water from the rural communities growing food to safeguard the environment - and then watch much of it, like now, wastefully flowing out to sea.

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EVEN Blind Freddy can see that more of such woke stupidity being enacted overseas is on its way to our shore.

The Dutch government embarked on a plan to slash greenhouse gases and reduce the amount of nitrogen in the soil by 70-95 per cent within eight years, to meet green EU climate change targets.

The reduced herd numbers and smaller farms intended to follow will see some farmers turfed off their land and the country’s ability to produce its own food take a big hit.

But none of that means much to climate extremists. 

Some of the nonsense is already across the ditch with New Zealand embarking on a plan to severely cut methane gas emissions.

This will be a tax on how much farm animals fart and burp. Seriously?

Our new federal government has now confirmed that it will sign up for a global 30 per cent cut in methane emissions by 2030 as well.

And this, without a plan on how this reduction was possible other than by culling herds of flatulent cattle, pigs and sheep.

Maybe, dropping baked beans from supermarket shelves is part of the plan.       

We’ve been listening to doomsdayers for 40 years.

 In the late 70s the end was nigh because of global cooling caused by acid rain.

That didn’t eventuate so years on global warming became the new culprit

 When the science for this fell short we moved to climate change – something no-one can argue against except what causes it.    

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IT’S hard to escape the image of countries like China, India and some others laughing their heads off as they stoke fears in the west of climate harm.    

And why wouldn’t they smirk. While we have contempt for our abundant natural energy resources major “emitters” keep building coal-fired power stations and nuclear facilities as fast as they can.

And then, all the while in the case of China, benefiting by exporting solar panels, windmills, batteries and other “green energy” components.

Even some European countries have belatedly realised that the drive for “clean” energy is ahead of their ability to keep the lights on – and are reopening mothballed coal and nuclear power plants.

You’d think their experience and what’s recently happened in Sri Lanka would ring alarms bells here, but no. 

Sri Lanka had dreams of leading the world in tackling climate change.

Now that country is out with the begging bowl after food output dropped alarmingly, following decisions to ban artificial fertilisers (since rescinded), cancel the building of a coal-fired power station, mandate organic farming etc – all to achieve a world-leading 70 per cent renewable entry target.      

Here in the “lucky country” a 43 per cent emission target by 2030 is set to become law.      

Our Greens, predictably, will now use their large numbers in the Senate to accelerate Australia’s path to third world status by trying to stop existing and future use of our abundant natural base energy resources.

What an Australia we’re bequeathing to our kids. 

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