THE Hamilton & District Legacy Fleece Show again presented a magnificent display of district fleeces on Thursday with large numbers of entries, particularly in the Fine and Medium wool sections.
THE Hamilton Gallery is set to get a significant upgrade in its internal ambience with the Southern Grampians Shire Council (SGSC) voting last week to install both modern lighting and climate control systems midway through this year.
WESTERN District Health Service (WDHS) has secured the services of a GP practice in Coleraine following the recent closure of the town’s only medical clinic.
AFTER significant campaigning by locals concerning a stretch of road just west of Coleraine, crews have been working since Monday to run a series of repairs to make the surface drivable again.
A SOUTH-AUSTRALIAN man is expected to be charged with careless driving by police after at least 29 cattle were killed in a single-vehicle rollover in Willatook near Hawkesdale at around 10.30am Sunday morning.
THE local community has rallied together to raise money for the Brown family after four-year-old, Tex, was badly burnt in a terrible accident two weeks ago.