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Local spots on Fishing TV

FISHING Australia TV has spent the past few days filming at many of the local spots, including Rocklands Reservoir and Konongwootong Reservoir along with Lake Hamilton.

With the episode set to air in spring, Southern Grampians Shire manager of economic development and tourism, Hugh Koch said the the community would get a boost from the extra publicity.

“Increasingly popular sport and people are travelling further distances to go fishing,” he said.

“We have got some magnificent waterways in the Southern Grampians Shire… we are fortunate enough that Fisheries Victoria had engaged Fishing Australia TV and they’ve been doing a show for about 21 years.

“For a small investment, we thought we’d get him here.”

Fishing Australia TV host, Rob Paxevanos said he had enjoyed his time here and was looking forward to bringing his family back for a holiday.

“I absolutely love it, Rocklands is obviously the fishing centrepiece and it is already really good,” he said.

“I could have fished for redfin the whole three or four days, but I got enough in the first morning.

“We went on to catch golden perch, one of our team caught a Murray Cod and a Bass, Fisheries want to make it the premier native fishery in Victoria.

“I am pretty much in love with the place.

“We hope to let people know ahead of time of when the episode will air and I think maybe locals will even see some of the opportunities and there are some surprises in there I can’t tell you just yet.”

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