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Portland Observer

1573 article(s) from Portland Observer

IT’S official – the Portland Hockey Club will be a member of the Warrnambool and District Hockey Association for the 2020 season.

Portland Observer - June 3, 2020

ASK Les Thomas what the highlight is of his 45 years as a tug boat captain, and you get the answer as quick as the rope goes over to attach on to an incoming ship – though it might not be quite what you expected.

Chalpat Sonti - June 3, 2020

HUNDREDS of parents have entrusted the care of their young children to Libbie Dark – perhaps their child’s first non-family carer – over the past 21 years.

Portland Observer - June 3, 2020

FISHING restrictions may have been lifted, and the fish are biting, but that has sparked concerns about a possible influx of out-of-towners to the region.

Chalpat Sonti - May 13, 2020

WHILE the global coronavirus pandemic has brought a lot of developing works to a screaming halt, one project that has not only continued, but also ramped up, is Bill Tober’s reconstruction of Onrust. In early 2017 local fisherman Bill Tober travelled to Tasmania and purchased a 36-foot yacht, named Onrust. For most keen sailing eyes, […]

Portland Observer - May 3, 2020

THE Portland Community Garden is continuing to supply produce to locals, albeit with some adjustments made to their delivery in the midst of COVID-19.

Rani Kane - May 3, 2020

MENTAL health awareness is being brought into focus by local social worker Pat Pekin who is challenging locals to get involved in the ISO232.

Rani Kane - May 3, 2020

IT will be Anzac Day tomorrow, but not as we know it.

Chalpat Sonti - April 20, 2020

THE region’s annual grape harvest is usually a cause for celebration for those who contribute the raw material to some of the nation’s finest wines as well as those whose work gets the fruit off the vines, but this year even it hasn’t failed to be touched by the coronavirus pandemic.

Chalpat Sonti - April 7, 2020

WHILE the courses at the Portland Golf Club and Heywood Golf Club remain shut due to the global coronavirus pandemic, in backyards, garages, paddocks and even lounge rooms around the region, many golfers are continuing to work on their game.

Portland Observer - April 3, 2020


